I Don’t Need To Lose Weight Shirt (White)

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About The Shirt


For the woman that is comfortable with her figure, weight or size. She diet’s properly, eats healthy and exercises regularly to maintain her shape.



To use a dumbbell with a hand symbolizing that I work out. An apple bitten to show that I eat healthy. And a tape measure around the waist to show that any size is acceptable as long as you are healthy.


“I Don’t Need To Lose Weight, My Figure Stays In Shape”

         “You are taking me off of my meds?” a joyous Angela reacts while gasping for air. Her physician responds, “Yes, you are doing great. Your fiber diet and regular exercise has lowered your cholesterol and blood pressure. Diabetes was always my concern, but we will continue to monitor that with the upcoming visits.” Angela smiles at her husband and tells her physician, “I feel so good right now. I have lost so much weight and all of the hard work has paid off.” Angela’s husband Greg sits impatiently as he listens to the results. The physician says, “I will be back with your release paperwork. Just remember to get your blood drawn two weeks before your next visit.”
          The physician steps out and Greg begins to voice his opinion. “Baby you need to tell the doctor that you are taking diet pills and you are not eating at all. Why are you so obsessed with being the “it” girl right now? It’s like you want all the single guys attention. I’m uncomfortable with all these likes from ex’s and so-called friends looking at your pics on social sites.”
          As Angela listens to Greg jealously complain about her achievements, her feelings go from negative —”This dude get’s excited over every skinny, small waist and big breasted model with a coke bottle figure” to positive —“He is still adjusting to the attention and it’s going to take some time.” She then regains her focus after hearing Greg say, “You don’t even cook anymore for me. Matter of fact what happen to us wanting a baby? Is your new figure more important?”
          Angela is shocked and wonders why would he say this here and now. After clearing her head she says, “You see me wake up every morning at 5 o’clock to take a walk. I have not missed one bootcamp class even when I don’t feel like going, because of my soreness. I stopped using those pills months ago, because they were making me dizzy. Please support me. I have asked you to help me out by exercising and dieting together. I have stopped going to fast food restaurants. I love fried foods, but we both know that if I continue those eating habits I will probably have health risks. I don’t eat anymore after 8pm. That’s why I don’t cook as much as I use to.”
          She then pauses and states, “I have things I have to work on and so do you. I’m not out here trying to get breast implants, butt injections, or botox. I just want a healthier lifestyle that allows me to dress the way I want to dress. Move around without getting tired. I want to have a drink or two, but I can’t with the meds. And yes have a better sex life.” Greg feeling bad about his earlier words now calms down. He looks proudly at his wife and tells her, “I’m sorry. I just feel like I’m losing the women I fell in love with. I need to change my eating habits anyway. Look at my love handles.” they both chuckle after the joke.
          The nurse enters the room and escorts the couple out toward the waiting room. After Angela makes her appointment Greg says “I am proud of you baby. You are a natural beauty and you don’t wear clown makeup.” Angela laughs and remembers last year how sad she was. She asks Greg, “Remember my new year’s resolution was to get down to the size when I was younger. Greg replies, “Yes.” Angela responds happily, “Well guess what? Now I don’t need to lose weight, because my figure will stay in shape!”
Short story by – Reggie Basheem Coleman